One of the less obvious consequences of tooth loss is the impact it can have on your bone health. Over time, people with incomplete smiles tend to experience significant bone loss in their jaws. Of course, it’s possible to replace missing teeth with traditional dentures and implant dentures – but will either of them help protect your bone health? How do dentures compare to dental implants when it comes to preventing bone loss? Your periodontist is here with the answers.
Why Do Missing Teeth Result In Bone Loss?
Whenever you bite or chew your food, the roots of your natural teeth provide stimulation to the jawbone, which ultimately helps maintain its strength and shape. But when teeth are missing, this stimulation can no longer occur. As such, the now unused parts of the bone will start to deteriorate, causing the jaw to gradually shrink.
Can Traditional Dentures Stop Bone Loss?
Unfortunately, the answer is no. Traditional dentures can help you reclaim a complete smile after significant tooth loss, but they provide no stimulation to the jaw and thus will do nothing to combat bone loss. In fact, studies indicate that ill-fitting dentures might actually accelerate the deterioration of the jawbone. Thus, if you’re concerned about bone loss in the jaw, you will want to explore other options.
Can Implant Dentures Stop Bone Loss?
Dental implants are unique in that they are the only kind of tooth replacement that can mimic the roots of your natural teeth; this is because the implant posts are surgically inserted into your jawbone. As such, unlike traditional dentures, implant dentures actually are capable of putting a stop to bone loss by providing the jaw with the stimulation that it needs.
On top of that, implant dentures have several other advantages over traditional dentures. For starters, they always stay anchored in place thanks to the dental implants forming a bond with your jawbone; they won’t slip while you’re trying to speak or chew. Furthermore, the chewing power provided by dental implant posts is almost on par with that of natural teeth, making it easier to enjoy a varied diet.
Can You Switch From Dentures to Dental Implants?
If you already have traditional dentures, you may wonder whether it’s possible to switch to implant dentures. Such a change is possible in many cases, but the amount of bone loss that has already occurred in your jaw will need to be taken into account. Oftentimes you might need bone grafting in order to ensure that there’s enough bone density for dental implant surgery.
Are you interested in getting implant dentures to protect your jaw from bone loss? Talk to your periodontist to see if you’re a viable candidate for the procedure.
About the Author
Dr. David Handsman received a Masters of Dental Surgery in periodontology from the University of Tennessee, and he holds membership with the Massachusetts Periodontal Society. His Worcester practice, Handsman & Haddad Periodontics, offers dental implants as a way to replace any number of missing teeth. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Handsman, visit his website or call (508) 753-5444.