The All-on-4 procedure makes it possible to replace an entire row of teeth with just a few dental implants. Of course, after the implant posts have been surgically placed, it will be necessary for you to make a few adjustments to your diet while your mouth is healing. Your periodontist will be happy to explain what you’ll be able to eat or drink following your surgery; below is a brief outline of what you can expect.
The First 1 to 2 Weeks
Since there is likely to be some soreness in your mouth after the All-on-4 procedure, it’s generally recommended that you stick to an all-liquid diet initially. Fruit juice, meal-replacement drinks like Special K, broth-based soups, and protein shakes can all be good options during this time. Be sure to only drink cool liquids for at least the first couple of days, as hot drinks might lead to bleeding.
It’s worth noting that you will need to stay away from alcoholic beverages for a while after your surgery. This is because alcohol can slow down the healing process and make it more likely that an infection will occur. On top of that, alcohol can interfere with osseointegration, which is the process of the implant posts fusing with the jaw. If osseointegration can’t successfully take place, your dental implants will fail.
After the First 2 Weeks
Once up to two weeks have passed, the soreness in your mouth should decrease enough to the point where you should be able to handle soft foods that don’t require much (if any) chewing. The dental implants still need time to finish fusing with your jawbone, so to avoid putting too much pressure on them, you should stay away from any foods that are particularly hard, crunchy, or chewy.
There are a wide variety of soft foods you can choose from that can help ensure that your body is getting the nutrition it needs, such as:
- Soft fruits like bananas and watermelons.
- Mashed fruits such as applesauce.
- Vegetables that have been cooked until soft.
- Muffins.
- Pancakes.
- A variety of soft breads.
- Oatmeal.
- Mashed potatoes.
- Cooked pasta.
- Scrambled eggs.
- Cheese.
- Soft tofu.
- Yogurt.
It’s important to do as much research as you can about what is and isn’t okay to eat during your recovery long before your dental implants are placed. That way, you can start stocking up on the necessary food items ahead of time.
If you have any questions or concerns about your diet after All-on-4 surgery, you can always speak to your periodontist. Remember, once the All-on-4 process is fully completed, you will be able to eat virtually anything you want thanks to your reliable new smile!
About the Author
Dr. David Handsman is a well-regarded member of the periodontal community, holding membership with the Massachusetts Periodontal Society and other organizations. His Worcester practice, Handsman & Haddad Periodontics, offers the All-on-4 procedure for fully restoring smiles. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Handsman, visit his website or call (508) 753-5444.